Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Counting Down

The Final Countdown is in progress! Today being 14th January, that means ten days to go! Well, ten until The Boy leaves and eleven until Livi and I go.

The flat is almost empty. We sorted out and threw out and the left over stuff went into the yard sale piles ...

... which we held last Saturday morning! It went brilliantly and we cleared almost two-thirds of it in five hours! Yay! Then we started filling the boxes for shipping and ended up with four tea-chests and three book boxes - and that is it! Apart from our bags, those seven boxes are the sum total of what we'll be taking with us to our new life in NZ (and even that feels like too much ... but I'm sure that once they arrive - three months from now - we'll probably be very glad we filled them!) I'm amazed at what we managed to squash in .. books, mainly, but also stuff like my favorite duvet, a persian rug, an old-fashioned electric clock I once bought at a yard sale, teddy bears and board games and photographs and DVDs and CDs and so on...

The boxes shipped on Monday and the guy from the shipping company posed very happily for a picture - in fact, he did it so smoothly that I am quite sure I'm not the first person to have asked him to 'smile for the camera'! LOL!

So now we are down to the bare essentials: a few mattresses, TV, laptop and family computer. Most of the furniture has been sold - the fridge goes tonight and there's a guy coming to see the coffee table on which this laptop now rests!

Hopefully the updates will be a lot more frequent now as the Final Countdown continues!

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